P l a n n i n g
ST ANDREWS Shopping Centre in Droitwich could be in line for a major revamp -
The Prospectus suggest how Wychavon and Droitwich Councils may be moving forward with ideas.
View the Prospectus by clinking on the link:
Droitwich Spa Town Centre Prospectus - Wychavon District Council
An invitation has been issued to people with disabilities to participate in a public consultation about accessibility in Droitwich Town Centre. A public meeting will be held on the 8th June at the Old Library. You may respond in other ways if you cannot attend. For more information click here .
Wychavon District Council is recruiting members for three advisory panels - the the link below for more information. Please note: the deadline for applicants is next Friday 5th June.
WYCHAVON DISTRICT COUNCIL: Design Code – a request for feedback:
Wychavon District Council is currently working with Create Streets on a new design code for the district. Wychavon aims to become an ‘exemplar rural council for urban design’ with beautiful new and old towns and streets supporting greater prosperity, sustainability, health and wellbeing. The design code will set standards for how buildings, streets and public spaces in Wychavon should look and feel.
As part of the process, we want to hear from those who live in the area which buildings and places you like (or don’t) and if they're appropriate for the area. The consultation map can be found here:
The map gives you the option of sharing your views about pre-selected buildings, or you can choose any building or place you’d like by zooming in and clicking anywhere on the map.
Droitwich Spa Conservation Area 2013
The Droitwich Spa Civic Society was founded in 1974, as a response to the rapid development of the town, and planning for its ongoing development has been a major focus of the society ever since.
We are notified of local Planning Applications, scrutinise those for listed properties or in Conservation Areas and consider new developments, discussing these with developers and making recommendations where relevant. The Civic Society does not make decisions on any matter relating to planning, but their opinions and suggestions are valued and taken into consideration when decisions are made. Perhaps more importantly, the Society’s observations and recommendations for potential new developments are highly regarded. As a result, its opinions are sought at the conceptual or the early development stages of possible development plans.
The society draws on the skills and knowledge of its members, who are able to guide and represent the society in meetings with officers of the Wychavon District Council and Droitwich Spa Town Council, and in responding to local community issues.
The society supports the aims of the reconstituted group working on the Droitwich Spa Neighbourhood Plan which will consider what is important to the distinctiveness of the town; what infrastructure is needed to provide the best environment for the community; and where, and what type of new development should take place. The society will welcome the opportunity to be involved as a group which represents the local community as and when invited.
South Worcestershire Development Plan
Recently the society has given a response to: South Worcestershire Development Plan Response 2019
and made recommendations:
. Raven Hotel response 2021 to the revised planning application
The society is mindful of the designated Droitwich Spa Conservation Area and worked on the development of various consultation documents including:
· Droitwich Spa Conservation Area (produced in conjunction with DHAS & DPS)
· Lyttelton Road extension to conservation area
February 2022: Report on the Role of Civic Societies in the English Planning System
To see these and other articles about planning go to our Planning Library