Our Meetings:
All our meetings will be held in the Wesley Room at Droitwich Methodist Church, Worcester Road, commencing at 7.30 pm with Society news and after the speaker's presentation, tea and coffee will be available (unless otherwise stated).
Current Programme of Talks and Visits
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 12th December 2023 (please note this is the second Tuesday of the month)
'Remembering the Swinging Sixties' with Ray Sturdy. A light hearted look back in time including music, stories and pictures. Click here to see poster.
Christmas refreshments (non-alcoholic mulled and and mince pies, coffee/tea will be available.
Next Visit:
Forthcoming Meetings/Visit
To view these please click: Meetings and Visits 2024 page
Previous Meetings / Visits:
Tuesday 21st November 2023
Celebrating 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare's First Folio at Droitwich High School
Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7.30pm.
Droitwich’s Oldest Buildings – speaker Lyn Blewitt.
Exploring what is known about some of Droitwich’s timber-framed buildings, some now lost, and others preserved.
Tuesday 26th September 2023
Sacred Heart and St Catherine of Alexandria Church, 208 Worcester Road, Droitwich Spa, WR9 8AZ
The Sacred Heart Church and the famous mosaics – speaker Jenny Leonard
A brief history of establishment of the parish and description and explanation of the building of the church and the interior mosaic decoration. Click here
Tuesday 22nd August: The Gentleman Player who saved his friend’s works for the world – speaker John Armstrong.
The 400th anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio is celebrated this year. Droitwich born John Hemminge was instrumental in collecting together Shakespeare’s known plays into the First Folio, some of which had not been previously saved.
Wednesday 23rd August - 2 pm
Whitlenge Garden, Whitlenge Lane, Hartlebury, photos and report - click here
Tuesday 18th July
Garden Visit to Beckett Drive, Worcester - 2 pm or 7 pm
Photos and report - click here.
Tuesday 20th June
'Sir John Pakington of Westwood' by Andrew Harris
Tuesday 16th May:
'Everything you wanted to know about JPs' - two local Magistrates offered a talk about their role including who they are, what they do, how and why.
18th April:
'The Severn Valley Railway - 1862-1969' a talk by David Postle
21st. March:
'31 High Street, Droitwich' - by Lyn Blewitt
The talk outlined the recent restoration of this 15th Century structure. Lyn explains the many fascinating and intriguing details that have come to light about original construction. Her talk also covered the later additions of construction through the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries and showcase the new timber-framed street frontage restoration. She also considered the occupiers of the building complex and its history of owning rights to brine and making salt from these - this is relates to Droitwich's raison d'etre for over 2000 years.
17th. January:
'My 2,000 Mile Walk Around England' - by Heather Kent
An interesting, entertaining, lively and amusing talk digitally illustrated by Heather Kent. She offered an insight into the places she passed through, the varied people she met and the variety of weather she experienced.