

                          Chair: 07958 967413

Join Us           

Learn about our work and attend our regular meetings and excursions to local places of interest in the summer. Annual membership costs £10 and covers all household members. Subscriptions are payable on or before 1st April each year.  The subscription year runs from 1st April to  31st March.  New members joining the society between 1st April and 30th September will pay the full subscription for the year, those joining on or after 1st October may pay half the annual subscription for that year.

Please send a cheque for £10 payable to the Droitwich Spa Civic Society to 7 Westwood Close, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, WR9 0BD or transfer  £10 to the Society's account at Lloyds Bank sort code 30-90-91  a/c 69484468 and please be sure to note your name on the transfer

To join the Society please complete and submit the form below:

If you are a taxpayer, a gift aid declaration for the Society will help us to keep subscriptions and meeting charges to a minimum.

                                                Please complete the form below and press the submit button

Droitwich Spa Civic Society is registered as a charity in England and Wales. Charity number 503272

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