A b o u t U s
HELP! The Society Needs YOU
Droitwich Civic Society needs your help. Would you like to join us as a member or be part of our committee?
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What we do as a Society
The Droitwich Civic Society was founded in 1974 as a response to the rapid development of the town.
The society has charity status and is registered at the Charity Commission, number 503272.
The work of the society is governed by a Constitution under which the stated purpose is to work in a way which:
Membership is by annual subscription, which qualifies for Gift Aid. If you are a taxpayer, a gift aid declaration for the Society will help us to keep subscriptions and meeting charges to a minimum. The form is on our Contact Us page.
The work of the society is led by a committee (listed on the Welcome page) consisting of officers and other society members, appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
The society arranges a programme of meetings and visits open to society members and the general public.
More Articles ABOUT US:
Droitwich Spa Civic Society - Information Display Stand
Reminiscences of the Droitwich Spa Civic Society in the 1980s
The society had for many years produced newsletters to keep members informed but, with the development of digital communication, information will now be sent by email to members and on will appear on this website: an article
the day of the printed newsletter appears to be drawing to a close had noted a change to communications previously.
Newsletters and Members' Articles can be accessed in our on-line Library.
In support of activities under its constitution, the society is a member of Civic Voice and Open Spaces Society
The society, in working towards its tasks of stimulating public interest, promoting high environmental standards and securing the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic and public interest in the town of Droitwich Spa and it’s surrounds, welcomes the opportunity for representation on other groups yet to be finalised working towards similar aims.
To see these and other articles about heritage go to our About Us Library